Thursday, May 3, 2007


The blood. So this is what it looks like. The colours are so bright. The red, so deep.
The face. Looks so serene. Is this how they all look? No more the hideous faces twisted in rage. No more the thoughts bent on malice. So quiet.
The blade. Shining brighter than ever before. The death knell to all her foes. Oh the grandeur of it all! The expansive arc, the swift plunge straight through the heart, a cry escapes his lips .. and then silence.
The silence. Years of meditation should have prepared me for this. Blind-folded, hunting in the dark in the forests of ...., killing for survival, and surviving for the kill. The ultimate kill. Now it is done, then why the nameless fear?

The knife.The blood-soaked shirt reveals its deadly deed. Fate has a cruel sense of humour.

The dark. There he stands - waiting. A shadow cast under the streetlight. The hound by his side licks its lips, and awaits the feeding. It betrays no urgency, for some kills must be savoured to the very end.

The end. And the darkness comes up to meet me.

1 comment:

SocialPariah said...

now ok this makes sense. Just stop writing after liken 15 lines basically...