Thursday, March 13, 2008

Night food

So it is 2AM, and I was reading this awesome book called "A Game of Thrones" by George R R Martin, whom I was introduced to just this week. Rather ordinary sword-and-sorcery fantasy, but it has me rather enthralled. It is very much in the vein of Mercedes Lackey, whom I like a lot, so I am pretty happy.

Anyways, as usual, got hungry and ate some cereal. While eating, I did a random google search (love doing that, btw) for "night food", and it turned up the following link. Surprisingly good song by some random Calypso group back in the 50's with extremely suggestive lyrics for that time. Apparently, it caused quite an uproar in Jamaica back then. But recently, the singer passed on to the happy place in the sky, and so NPR had it as their "Song of the Day".

Thought I should share ...

NPR Music: 'Night Food' and the Corrupter of a Nation
"The room is dark / She said, 'Come and eat / This night food is very warm and sweet' / I said, 'Lady, there's no knife and fork / And how can I eat food in the dark?' / She said, 'This food needs no knife and fork / How can a human be so dark? / The food is right here in the bed / Come here, man, make me scratch your head

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